So I met my wife at the pizza shop. Well, only she wasn't my wife when I met her. Maybe this should start: So I met this girl at the pizza shop. She worked there too.
The pizza shop did not approve of employee's dating one another, a time honored and long violated policy that seems to be shared by most companies and violated by most employees. These are the kind of companies that generally have scores of married couples working for it. Married couples who met at work. Anyway...
She worked out front either maintaining the salad bar, or, if she was lucky, running the register. Salad bar is the worst job at the pizza shop. You spend hours cleaning up salad dressing that finds it's way in between the round canisters and rearranging the tongs so that they all point in the right direction. Then, all it takes is one fat guy to desecrate the whole thing.
I worked in back, either making or cutting the pizzas. So we were friends for a while, talking during the slow times and occasionally closing the store together.
One night I saw that she had just closed the smoking section and was leaning on the dividing partition watching the Atlanta Braves on the big screen. I walked over and asked her if she liked baseball. She did. Maddox is her favorite pitcher she also seemed fond of David Justice (though not so much these days).
I told her that I was a Cleveland Indians fan, this was during the height of the horrible bad Cleveland Indians (I mean Major League bad). She laughed and so I said something that would haunt me to this very day and surely beyond. I said...
"The Indians will make it to the world series in 5 years"
She said...
"How much do you wanna bet"
I said...
"One hundred dollars"
She agreed and I added...
"Just try to find me!"
Well, turns out it wasn't too hard to find me. But here's the real rub. The Indians made it in less than 5 years, the lost, but they made it to the series. I claimed victory but then she said...
"You said IN 5 years."
I meant within, but she appreciates the more literal translation. She's still asking for her One Hundred dollars. One of these days I'll cough it up.
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