Thursday, January 27, 2005

Pottery Barn Nightmare

The Pottery Barn magazine shows up in our mailbox every month. Every month my wife opens it up to the page with a bookshelf that looks like a dollhouse. It's $400.00 dollars and both of us know that's a ridiculous amount to pay for, as I call it, "Boards nailed together and painted." So after months of me saying, "I could build that for a lot less!" without having the slightest bit of experience in woodworking, I finally got around to trying it.

I spent $60.00 at Home Depot for wood (MDF, it's like the salami of wood) and some supplies. Then I got it all home and started sawing the living crap out of it. I decided that a well thought out and documented design up front would only hamper my creative freedom with this project, so I played it by ear. I haphazardly cut chunks of MDF off and took wild guesses about angles and dimensions. I used a lot of glue and a lot of screws and not one nail (I don't see what keeps the nail in a hole? Seems like it could just slide right out, but a screw at least requires some twisting.)

So, I'm almost done with the construction of this bookshelf. It looks almost like the real thing. I'm very impressed (and surprised) with myself... So far! I'll post a step by step of this thing when it's done.

All I can say so far... I know why they charge $400.00 for the thing!

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